27 December 2009

Tiny People, Little Guns

I'm still a little girl so STOP treating me like an adult.
Since when did I become so respectful?

25 December 2009

Yrrem samtsirhc

Christmas faux-pas number 375:
Don't give people gifts you like, give people gifts THEY like.

1. Thank you for the candle-holder-glass-plastic-thingie! How did you know I needed one of those? It makes me want to light a candle right away!
2. Awww, you gave me one of those glass balls with snow inside everyone has on tv! Now I'm gonna be so popular! Wait until my best friend sees it! She's going to be so jealous!
3. Why buy Ferrero Rocher when you can offer me a cheap chocolate that tastes like crap? At least it will be different! You're so considerate and original!
4. Two minuscule-super-thin-white-paper-notepads you can get from any souvenir store? Artists love to draw in see-through leafs didn't you know? They react so awesome to watercolor, it's amazing.
5. Those furry synthetic fluorescent orange socks with black cat footprints you gave me last year are so in this season, I'll be sure to wear them on my next date!

24 December 2009

Meeting John/Peter/Frank/Jack

I always though meeting people at parties was kind of tricky, and by parties I mean alcohol filled parties.
Meeting (fictional name here) may provide us a good time, being drunk together sounds cool, seeing him puke in a corner - not so cool at all. You wake up the next day and see the same person in a different atmosphere just to find out he is reading Plato quietly and enjoying it.

What the hell is going on?!

The guy who ran naked and tripped in a poured drink, falling comically on the ground is actually a crazy Jesus freak who goes to church every Sunday and helps little grandma cross the road.

I don't dislike it, I kind of find it very amusing and surprising.

You can NEVER judge by first impression, white sheep may turn into big bad wolves and crazy weird people may be sentimental kittens.
In the middle of all this deviations, who am I to everybody? How do people judge me as they meet me? What kind of impressions am I passing through? Maybe I'm giving the opposite of what I really want to transmit.

I don't like it, I kind of find it very scary and frustrating.

21 December 2009

Twist no More

No, I don't have a pijamma like that, that is too comic looking.
No, my bed in not at floor level, actually you have to climb up to reach the comfy sheets and pillow, which, by the way, are not the ones drawn.
It is not even me who is sleeping, it could be someone else, I don't have a big nose.
Now... Do you see those black little holes between the bed and the sheets?


Those are MINE!
MY black holes under the sheets! Those poorly represented holes are actually spaces where cold air enters my bed in the winter nights, and I HATE THEM!
They never disappear, I turn and turn just to make them grow, that's it! They feed on my turnarounds, providing me an even more restless night, oh THANK YOU black damn holes!

I have no other choice than to sleep like a strudel...

20 December 2009

Little Lambcat

"Mary had a little lamb,
little lamb, little lamb,
Mary had a little lamb,
whose fleece was white as snow.
And everywhere that Mary went,
Mary went, Mary went,
and everywhere that Mary went,
the lamb was sure to go."

I've been trying to understand the meaning of this song but I fail to do so. I am the only Mary in the World as you may know and I haven't got a lamb so I ain't got a clue where did they got their inspiration from.

Who sang this blasphemy anyway? Is this supposed to be funny?
And who is Sarah Josepha Hale? What kind of name is Sarah?

I do have a little cat and if they want to change the lyrics to "little cat" I'll be more than pleased to retract my allegations... At least until my cat dies, that song would make me unhappy if I hear it at that time.
Also they should change the part where it chases me because my cat is anti-social and she doesn't leave the house either, even if she did the only way she could follow me to college was if she jumped in the bus and then catch the subway, which I don't think it's possible.
So the realistic update of the song would have to be something like:
"Mary had a little cat,
little cat, little cat,
Mary had a little cat,
whose fur was white, brown, grey and yellow as (insert something like that here).
And everywhere that Mary went,
Mary went, Mary went,
and everywhere that Mary went,
the cat was sure to stay at home sleeping somewhere."

Beautiful! Please make the proper corrections now and I'll contact you later for copyrights.


Do notice what is written above 100%....
If you don't know what it means go search google for the left word, I'm not saying, gotta maintain my young naive posture and besides it would be no fun!
Just don't search google images, I warned you.

05 December 2009

Is the Limit

At least that's what they say. The sky is a very modest boundary if you ask me. Having the science and technology development in mind they could change it to "planet Mars is the limit" to cause more impact but that would make them sound very weird and geeky.

What would you think if you complained
"I can't make it on time"
and someone said
"Pluto is the limit!"

I wouldn't share bubblegum with this kind of people, nor would I sit next to it. I bet they wear sunglasses at night and drink their tea in Star Wars cups.

01 December 2009

How Uncivilized of Me...

I know I'm posting again but I just couldn't resist putting this here.
There is something terribly irresistible in men with naughty faces and evil grins.
For those who don't recognize the portrayed lads:
- Danny Elfman, I completely worship this man, he was the former vocalist of Oingo Boingo, my favourite band. Nowadays he makes scores for Tim Burton's movies.
- Malcolm McDowell, main character in Clockwork Orange, one of my favorite movies of all time, it is simply a masterpiece.
- No need to say, Jack Nicholson, known by his devilish eyebrows, he is pretty messed up now.
- Gaspard Ulliel, french actor that made one of the movies from the Hannibal Canibal sequence, he played young Hannibal Lector in Hannibal Rising.
- Pretty obvious, Harrison Ford playing Han Solo, has less of the naughty twing but he is pretty expressive as well.

Cool City


shooting through concrete,
Mountains of glass REFLECT the sky
Everybody feels real good in COOLcity
Each DAY brings a new surprise
Johnny came two-thousand miles to COOLcity
He came to sEE what makes things T i C k
He cut his hair and bought NEW clothes in COOLcity
Finally found his life's AMbiTIon

How to do NOTHINGperfectly
To do it with STYLE so gracefully
'Cause life is so delicious in COOLcity


Someone's standing in a doorway, COOLcity
You OP EN the door and check him out so casually
The music's blASTing all night long in COOLcity
They recognize his face, so it's all right
This one knew the RIGHTaddress
He even knew someone in a band
While the others wait all night standing there in

So hard to make the RIGHTfriends
You might have to sell some skin
The nights go on F O R E V E R
in COO-O-OOOLcityyyyyyyy

30 November 2009


Some days ago I woke up just to find I fell asleep on my arm. The feeling of having my arm numb is incredibly amazing, it's like it belongs to someone else, it dissociates from me and from my body, like it has its own little pathetic life.
I tried to lift it up but no answer.
Tried to close my hand... Nothing.
Tried to make an obscene gesture, still nothing (my arm is to polite for that).

What if?

I started to bite it, it's crazy, I could imagine anyone in my arm's place
(annoying people I know)
Nhoc nhoc nhoc
(ever-so-demanding teacher)
Nhoc nhoc nhoc
(my worries and fears, person-form)

I could bite away all my problems but just when I was having a blast I started to feel some pain because my arm's personality had been restored. Oh well, I can't carry dead weight around forever can I?

26 November 2009

Christmas Present

I made this drawing for my cousin as she is having a baby girl in December, when, we don't know, maybe at Christmas, maybe before, just have to wait and see.
I'm sending it old fashion way, going to mail it tomorrow morning at the post office.
I also made some icons of these bloated ladies, will post soon.

27 October 2009

Ítalo Calvino

These are illustrations I made based on a book by Gonçalo M. Tavares. The book can be very surrealist and maybe, just maybe, a little Dada (if you know what I mean). If you liked Kafka you'll probably like Mr.Calvino.

The book itself is full of metaphors that can be interpreted in various ways, I made Mr. Calvino as a character who was constantly searching for something - walking alone in the streets, loosing himself in his own mind that cares about the tiniest things, maintaining a distance from everybody else - maybe he is searching for his own identity (which would be represented as the black hat and red tie).

The other one represents his relation with society in general as he thinks they are all almost mechanic people living in a programmed system (and I always think of my favorite band Oingo Boingo when I talk about the apparently perfect system). Even if he is somehow inserted in a population, he manages to keep his own though apart from all the superfluous things they want him to think - he rides his own wave that rises above all others as unique and untouchable.

There is a third illustration but due to its 3D component I was unable to scan it. I took, however, a picture which I am too lazy to check so I guess I'll do it some other day.

26 October 2009

Mail ME Art

I think that when you read "Petite Marie Plume" the first thing that comes to your mind (with the balloons and all) are probably cats, flowers and cute little children.

(not that I don't draw all that)

Anyway I developed some kind of morbid looking characters some time ago and I've been having a blast with them because they are just so versatile! I can make the ugliest most desproportional sketch and they will still look fine (after you play with the ink pen a little).

It is so good when something like that happens I don't even know how to explain it, it goes from shit to awesome, and that is great because there are a lot of works that look amazing as linework and then somewhere in the middle of the coloring process some "new technique" goes bad and we just want to curse someone and die (or maybe dye).

I made this one for a contest where you were supposed to draw in an envelope and send it. The original was black and white, the color came afterwards with a little hand from Photoshop.
If you are interested in participating (and I think you should because it's a good way to boost your creativity) go to Mail me Art
You have a new chance every month until March.

15 October 2009

Uptown Kermit

My brain is frying
I have personal projects along with things I really must do!
I'm writing
I'm thinking...
then I just gaze at the screen

09 October 2009


I always wanted to eat this!
But they always told me acorns were for pigs.

05 October 2009

So Much Easier

I'm so happy now that I have a scanner. It makes things so simple, no more blurry dark photographs! This means I'll probably update some of the things posted here in this blog with better images.

04 October 2009


I always found it fascinating and mischievous...

02 October 2009


I want TO eat THE world!

AND because OF that,

I, with NO regret,
AND this FISH represents

AND if I were A fish IN the OCEAN
AN octopus

01 October 2009

Not Cheshire

Nope, definitly not, not a tiny bit.
It is facing the wrong side...
It doesn't smile...
It is not purple...
It never met Alice...

28 September 2009

Birds of Leisure

I just made a stupid mistake and now I'm trying to fight the consequences.

Let me explain:

I take a pill before dinner, and that is a routine I got adapted to. I also take a pill before going to sleep every day.

Today, I accidentaly ate the pill I'm supposed to take before going to bed before dinner. This may not seem very bad and it is not, but I take that drug because I have a weird type of insomnia a that helps me stay with my eyes closed.

That is to say I'm dying here and I need to go visit Freddy Krueger.

26 September 2009


I always admired Lewis Carroll, I wish he had written infinite books.

I love how his books have that childish touch of ingenuity, but at the same time, when read by someone a little older, they become quite complex and dark.
The nonsenseness of his work is what I praise the most, it leaves unsolved mysteries for us to solve in our minds, and that is why it means so much to some and so few to others, if you have a creative mind you will appreciate it for sure.

"Be what you would seem to be.. or, if you'd like it put more simply.. Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise." - Lewis Carrol

24 September 2009

Eternal Happiness

I made this for my grandma bacause she was slowly losing her sight.
I made it to let her know she should always be happy, happy that she got this far and happy that she didn't lose her mind like many.
I made it so she would get to at least see one of my drawings.

Matrix Timetable

This was based on an Oingo Boingo song, probably many drawings will come based on this band and their crazy surrealist lyrics.
I've been admiring them for two years and I still listen to their music with the same entusiasm.
This image refers to our main schedule, the schedule of life, in which we wake-up, have our meals and go to sleep. It is related to the song Perfect System, that mentions something like a Matrix society.

21 September 2009


I made a series of postcards which I gave to a friend of mine in February, for her birthday. They made funny jokes related to her low weight (she's very thin, but healthy thin).
One of them, however, was more artistic and I'm posting it here.
We may not see each other as often as we used to from now on, but she will always be my best friend and I hope we continue to get along forever, and the reason I'm making this statement is because I know how great friendships may be forgotten due to selfish reasons.
I want to remind myself I though this by writing it.

19 September 2009

Something to Chew On

One of my addictions, I must confess, are those peppermint thingies that are strong as hell. Like Fisherman's Friend for example, or Blue Smints.
I call them "my spikes" because they sting. I can eat them nonstop but I usually give them a break when my tongue hurts or when my belly aches, which is about 20 or 40.
I was delighted when they started to sell some of these wonders at Lidl, they are called Vivil Friendship and I recommend, they come in packs of three and have three flavours to choose from: peppermint, spearmint and eucalyptus. All yummy and scrunchy.

18 September 2009

More Exotic

You probably didn't realize that those birds I posted before were supposed to be toucans?
(Or maybe you did?)
Now you know. Spare me the shame if you didn't (and this is the continuation of the previous post).
The green one looks like a parrot so lets pretend it is one.

17 September 2009


I'm back from the countryside. Did a lot of drawings and took some macro shots here and there. Nature was right beside me so how couldn't I?
I guess I'll be posting some of that work, since it is manual I left the paper background, I hope it fits in well (it is a photograph, not a scan btw).

Today I fighted the urge to buy a book I saw about Oscar Wilde. It was kind of a biography since it had letters he wrote to his grandson. It costed a bit I guess.

02 September 2009

Country Time

But with no music...
I'm going out to the fields on holidays with my parents, be back on Setember 13 or 14, I'll post when I arrive since I'm going to draw and photograph some.

Yet another hot air balloon, this one is based on the magnificent and jaw dropping work of Joy Ang, another amazing canadian artist. She is in the sidebar so feel free to take a peek.

Au revoir mes amis!

31 August 2009

Summer Goodness

Lunch at my cousin's. My dad has an awesome macro lens which I like to steal.
People tend to love macros and I am no exception, there is so much magic in the minusculous things that you can find in Nature.
This is the same flower, before it blooms it looks like balls of tangled red spaghetti.

29 August 2009


When I drew the balloons for the blog I did more than those which are shown here. I'm now experimenting with them in PS adding some colours. I actually need to get a lot better and find a colouring style that I feel confortable with.
I gave it three shots. I based one in one of my favourite artists (in the sidebar) that goes by the screen name: "Rose-a-Petits-Pois", you can see it above.
I seriously recomend her, she went to Gobelins in Paris, my dream school, but she is canadian. Go check NOW!

25 August 2009


This is my blog, well, another one.
I have had a few but they all stop at some point, when you are little like me you have that typical childish feeling when you look at new things:

- First comes that wave of excitement when novelty is faced;
- Then you promise yourself it will last forever;
- Finally you eventually grow tired of it;
- Post-Finally you think: "What the hell was that fuss all about?"

And I just realized you could apply this to love.