31 August 2009

Summer Goodness

Lunch at my cousin's. My dad has an awesome macro lens which I like to steal.
People tend to love macros and I am no exception, there is so much magic in the minusculous things that you can find in Nature.
This is the same flower, before it blooms it looks like balls of tangled red spaghetti.

29 August 2009


When I drew the balloons for the blog I did more than those which are shown here. I'm now experimenting with them in PS adding some colours. I actually need to get a lot better and find a colouring style that I feel confortable with.
I gave it three shots. I based one in one of my favourite artists (in the sidebar) that goes by the screen name: "Rose-a-Petits-Pois", you can see it above.
I seriously recomend her, she went to Gobelins in Paris, my dream school, but she is canadian. Go check NOW!

25 August 2009


This is my blog, well, another one.
I have had a few but they all stop at some point, when you are little like me you have that typical childish feeling when you look at new things:

- First comes that wave of excitement when novelty is faced;
- Then you promise yourself it will last forever;
- Finally you eventually grow tired of it;
- Post-Finally you think: "What the hell was that fuss all about?"

And I just realized you could apply this to love.