28 September 2009

Birds of Leisure

I just made a stupid mistake and now I'm trying to fight the consequences.

Let me explain:

I take a pill before dinner, and that is a routine I got adapted to. I also take a pill before going to sleep every day.

Today, I accidentaly ate the pill I'm supposed to take before going to bed before dinner. This may not seem very bad and it is not, but I take that drug because I have a weird type of insomnia a that helps me stay with my eyes closed.

That is to say I'm dying here and I need to go visit Freddy Krueger.

26 September 2009


I always admired Lewis Carroll, I wish he had written infinite books.

I love how his books have that childish touch of ingenuity, but at the same time, when read by someone a little older, they become quite complex and dark.
The nonsenseness of his work is what I praise the most, it leaves unsolved mysteries for us to solve in our minds, and that is why it means so much to some and so few to others, if you have a creative mind you will appreciate it for sure.

"Be what you would seem to be.. or, if you'd like it put more simply.. Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise." - Lewis Carrol

24 September 2009

Eternal Happiness

I made this for my grandma bacause she was slowly losing her sight.
I made it to let her know she should always be happy, happy that she got this far and happy that she didn't lose her mind like many.
I made it so she would get to at least see one of my drawings.

Matrix Timetable

This was based on an Oingo Boingo song, probably many drawings will come based on this band and their crazy surrealist lyrics.
I've been admiring them for two years and I still listen to their music with the same entusiasm.
This image refers to our main schedule, the schedule of life, in which we wake-up, have our meals and go to sleep. It is related to the song Perfect System, that mentions something like a Matrix society.

21 September 2009


I made a series of postcards which I gave to a friend of mine in February, for her birthday. They made funny jokes related to her low weight (she's very thin, but healthy thin).
One of them, however, was more artistic and I'm posting it here.
We may not see each other as often as we used to from now on, but she will always be my best friend and I hope we continue to get along forever, and the reason I'm making this statement is because I know how great friendships may be forgotten due to selfish reasons.
I want to remind myself I though this by writing it.

19 September 2009

Something to Chew On

One of my addictions, I must confess, are those peppermint thingies that are strong as hell. Like Fisherman's Friend for example, or Blue Smints.
I call them "my spikes" because they sting. I can eat them nonstop but I usually give them a break when my tongue hurts or when my belly aches, which is about 20 or 40.
I was delighted when they started to sell some of these wonders at Lidl, they are called Vivil Friendship and I recommend, they come in packs of three and have three flavours to choose from: peppermint, spearmint and eucalyptus. All yummy and scrunchy.

18 September 2009

More Exotic

You probably didn't realize that those birds I posted before were supposed to be toucans?
(Or maybe you did?)
Now you know. Spare me the shame if you didn't (and this is the continuation of the previous post).
The green one looks like a parrot so lets pretend it is one.

17 September 2009


I'm back from the countryside. Did a lot of drawings and took some macro shots here and there. Nature was right beside me so how couldn't I?
I guess I'll be posting some of that work, since it is manual I left the paper background, I hope it fits in well (it is a photograph, not a scan btw).

Today I fighted the urge to buy a book I saw about Oscar Wilde. It was kind of a biography since it had letters he wrote to his grandson. It costed a bit I guess.

02 September 2009

Country Time

But with no music...
I'm going out to the fields on holidays with my parents, be back on Setember 13 or 14, I'll post when I arrive since I'm going to draw and photograph some.

Yet another hot air balloon, this one is based on the magnificent and jaw dropping work of Joy Ang, another amazing canadian artist. She is in the sidebar so feel free to take a peek.

Au revoir mes amis!