I have this weird thing I consider a "healthy" pica.
By the way, pica is a craving to eat other things than food like metal, sand, or disgusting things I refuse to mention because you already know what I am talking about.
So I tend to get bored of eating normal snacks. I want to eat something exquisite and preferably not very caloric since my body absorbs calories like a sponge. I also tend to hate food that ends too quickly, I like sloooo-ooooo-ooooo-ooow food.
With this in mind I went searching for stuff and I found and fell in love with the concept of "fruit sandwiches" (although I know it is not bizarre, pineapple is a usual sandwich ingredient for example).
All this to justify me eating a banana and mayonnaise sandwich.
It is pretty good actually. Most of the websites said that it was better with peanut butter (the so called Elvis Presley sandwich) and others suggested one side peanut butter, one side mayo.
I'm open to all weird fruit sandwich combinations... Oh, and don't mind the strange illustration thingie on top, it's just... A strange illustration thingie!
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