28 February 2010


I remember when I first tried one of these...
It makes me laugh really, it didn't go so good.

23 February 2010

The Secret Behind MacDonald's Chips

And with this I was able to share a laugh with friends:
- The rectangular see-through pants
- The Johny Bravo hair
- The unidentified trashed object
- The joy of throwing junk in the proper place
- The detachable body parts
- The body balance control by having to stand up in two parallel feet

Future Tense

Sometimes I feel like ---->->->->->---- running with my eyes (closed).

To see where? I'll end up at.
To see who? I'll bump into.

But.............. I'm afraid to

22 February 2010

Coisinhas Boas

É verdade Catarina.
Porque só há uma maneira de conhecer a beleza interior das pessoas: falando.
E felizmente ainda há gente, como tu e eu, que conseguem ver num simples cafezinho uma experiência única e num sorriso mais de mil palavras.

E por causa da boa companhia, o meu pão com manteiga e fiambre soube-me a bolo de chocolate!

21 February 2010


I have this weird thing I consider a "healthy" pica.
By the way, pica is a craving to eat other things than food like metal, sand, or disgusting things I refuse to mention because you already know what I am talking about.
So I tend to get bored of eating normal snacks. I want to eat something exquisite and preferably not very caloric since my body absorbs calories like a sponge. I also tend to hate food that ends too quickly, I like sloooo-ooooo-ooooo-ooow food.

With this in mind I went searching for stuff and I found and fell in love with the concept of "fruit sandwiches" (although I know it is not bizarre, pineapple is a usual sandwich ingredient for example).

All this to justify me eating a banana and mayonnaise sandwich.
It is pretty good actually. Most of the websites said that it was better with peanut butter (the so called Elvis Presley sandwich) and others suggested one side peanut butter, one side mayo.

I'm open to all weird fruit sandwich combinations... Oh, and don't mind the strange illustration thingie on top, it's just... A strange illustration thingie!

15 February 2010

We'll See

Yet another girl, this time purely in Photoshop. It was a quick sketch experiment to see how it turned out. It seems that when I'm cold I draw girls in dresses with bare legs and arms.

I always wondered what people's musical tastes meant about them. I mean, we are not very surprised to see a person dressed in black listening to Heavy Metal or a nice joyful girl listening to R&B and Pop or something like that.

I like Third-Wave Ska, Swing and Jazz mixed with Alternative Rock or Electronica.
And don't forget a small hint of insanity.

What does it mean?
I really wish it means the weather will get warmer or that I will get free cappuccinos from the coffee machine for the rest of the year.
We'll see.

14 February 2010

Winter Preps

It's cold and it's raining here so I though if I made a quick sketch of a Summery girl in Summery vests it would make the weather magically better.

I finished it just now but I still see no improvement and the clouds are even more menacing. Maybe if I do some kind of Zulu rain dance backwards it'll go away, I don't know.

Friday some hilarious thing happened, my dad was angry with me because I was always cold and he wanted me to stop being cold, yes, just like that, snap my fingers and hurray:

J'ai pas froid mes amis
Of course we all know things don't work this way, all except my father. The question is I couldn't sleep bacause I was constantly pushing my bed covers so the chilly breeze wouldn't get in.

(temperature = 6 degrees)

Lower Body
Pajama's pants
Cotton knee socks under pants
Wool knee socks over pants

Upper Body
Long t-shirt
Shirt over t-shirt
Pajama's long sleeve cotton dress over shirt
Small wool jacket
2 scarfs
Gloves with finger holes (for some laptop action)

Heater turned on
When I go to sleep I usually don't wear the jacket, the gloves and the scarfs.

Bed Covers
Thin white bed sheet
Thick bed cover over sheet
Thicker bed cover over thick bed cover
Even thicker and heavier bed cover on top

13 February 2010

PC-LC Page Two

He thought he saw a Buffalo 

Upon the chimney-piece: 

He looked again, and found it was

His Sister's Husband's Niece. 

"Unless you leave this house," he said, 

"I'll send for the Police!' 

06 February 2010

They Were Very Very Friendly Men

I like to take time to be with my FRIENDS
Beings of the opposite sex are also considered FRIENDS
You see, there is nothing wrong with having a friend that doesn't have the same physical traits as you, last time I checked they could still be our friends, and by friends, I mean FRIENDS.
Great friends... Best friends... Supporting friends...

05 February 2010

Soap Opera

issues issues issues issues issues issues issues issues issues issues
issues issues issues issues issues issues issues issues issues issues
issues issues issues issues issues issues issues issues issues issues
issues issues issues issues issues issues issues issues issues issues
issues issues issues issues issues issues issues issues issues issues
issues issues issues issues issues issues issues issues issues issues
issues issues issues issues issues issues issues issues issues issues
issues issues issues issues issues issues issues issues issues issues
issues issues issues issues issues issues issues issues issues issues
If you have issues, you are like everyone else.
Seriously reflect about your life until now:
Do you have a family that loves you?
Do you have good friends?
Do you have a home?
Are you that ugly?

I like to think about my life as a VERY BIG soap opera. I am my own observator and my favourite character of the show. And now that it has begun, I want to see where it takes me! Who will mean something to me and who will betray me, it is all part of it, and if you want to know...

suspense is killing

04 February 2010

Oh, Mary, Oh Mary...

Who are you?
How are you doing?
Where are you now?
What are you?
Do you...?
May I meet you?
Pretty please!
Now or later?
Call me back!

03 February 2010

It's a Very Very Mad World

Dazed and confused... Such a wonderful and pleasurable feeling if applied properly!

The other day I went to a small little vintage clothes shop called The Other Side of the Moon. I entered and started browsing the giant boxes they have there full of accessories like escharpes, scarves and hats.

A little after that I saw a fat cat sitting in the table, I knew that there were two cats the last time I came so I asked the man were was the other one.
Well, it appears the other one was inside the box of scarves and hats so when I was looking I though the cat was a fur hat... Perfect camouflage no?

Adding to that, the man which I spoke to had an Elvis hairdo, a suit, a silk scarf with neon colours and was eating soup from a cabbage shaped dish.
That made the scenery even more absurd and nonsense.
He was watching the costumers with a moony yet kind look (great, if you have the store's name in mind). He looked like the Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland.

These things make me smile. It is just one of those people that I want to invite for coffee... Or maybe a Mad Tea Party!
Hello sir, please tell me all about your life, every tiny single bit!
(oh, and he was about 30 by the way, but why wouldn't a 30 year old be an interesting person to meet? Especially if comes from a fictitious place)

Mad World
Tears For Fears

All around me are familiar faces
Worn out places, worn out faces
Bright and early for their daily races
Going nowhere, going nowhere

And their tears are filling up their glasses
No expression, no expression
Hide my head I want to drown my sorrow
No tomorrow, no tomorrow

And I find it kind of funny
I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which I'm dying
Are the best I've ever had
I find it hard to tell you
'Cos I find it hard to take
When people run in circles
It's a very, very
Mad World

Children waiting for the day they feel good
Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday
Made to feel the way that every child should
Sit and listen, sit and listen

Went to school and I was very nervous
No one knew me, no one knew me
Hello teacher tell me what's my lesson
Look right through me, look right through me

And I find it kind of funny
I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which I'm dying
Are the best I've ever had
I find it hard to tell you
'Cos I find it hard to take
When people run in circles
It's a very, very
Mad World