12 March 2010

It is Sunny Now

I hate it when I have hi-hello-how-are-you conversations.

They are just so (..)
- Hi!
- Hello!
- How are you?

With (..)
- Fine! And you?
- Me too!

And (..)
- Fine
- Well
- Good

Oh, and it is sunny finally, sunny but cold.
Anyway I ate a winter ice-cream the other day - a Choc-and-Chip Vanilla Swirl - and it tasted SO GOOD I just don't know how to express it.
Winter ice-cream because it has milk in it. Summer ice-creams are water based, I personally dislike those types of ice-cream, they are not fat enough and they taste fake to me, like those unknown substances they add to your food to make it look nice and colorful.

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